外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 超声波测距仪.doc原文: Ultrasonic distance meter Document Type and NumbenUnited States Patent 5442592 Abstract:An ultrasonic distance meter cancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including a measuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units, a repetitive series of pulses is generated, each having a repetition rate directly related to the respective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters, and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distance being measured. Publication Date:08/15/1995 Primary ExaminerrLobo, Ian J. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to apparatus for the measurement of distance and, more particularly, to such apparatus which transmits ultrasonic waves between two points. Precision machine tools must be calibrated. In the past, this has been accomplished utilizing mechanical devices such as calipers, micrometers, and the like. However, the use of such devices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known that the distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagation time of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is an ultrasonic, or acoustic, wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points, the distance between the two points can be meas