人力资源毕业论文-我国农民工就业歧视问题探讨.docx我国农民工就业歧视问题 探讨 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在学院:经济管理学院 专 业:人力资源管理 昆匏*八—度登天参 中国-大庆 才商要:农民外出到城市打工,是中国改革开放后的一个特色。每年上亿的农村青 壮年劳动力转移到城市就业,他们虽然远离农村、脱离了农业,但他们农民的身份 没有得到改变。他们主要集中在加工制造业、餐饮服务业、建筑煤矿业等行业。他 们在城市就业过程中受到种种歧视性规定,无法享受和城市人同等的就业机会、就 业待遇。目前,工农业差距、城乡差距、农民工问题成为我国经济、政治、社会发 展的制约因素,这种状况必须加以解决。本文通过农民工遭遇就业歧视的现状入手, 找出问题产生的根源,进而提出一系列的对策和建议,以此来改变我国农民工免遭 就业歧视的状况。 关键词:农民工;就业;就业歧视 Abstract: Farmers go out to the cities to work in China's reform and opening up a feature. Each year , millions of young adults rural laborers to urban employment, although they stay away from rural areas, away from agriculture, but they have not been to change the status of the farmers. They are mainly concentrated in the processing and manufacturing, catering services, construction coal mining and other industries. The course of employment in the cities they are subject to various discriminatory provisions and the city people can not enjoy equal employment opportunities, employment treatment. At present, the gap between industry and agriculture, urban-rural gap, the issue of migrant workers into China's economic, political and social development constraints, this situation must be addressed. In this paper, migrant workers face discrimination in employment situation to start to find out the root cause of the problem, then present a series of countermeasures and suggestions as a way to change China's migrant workers from discrimination in employment situation. Key words: migrant workers; employment; employment discrimination 目录 1前言 -1 - -1 - -1 - 3本文拟解决的问题 -3 - 2就业歧视的概述 -4 - 1就业歧视的概念 -4 - 2就业歧视的分类 -4 - 3我国农民工遭遇就业歧视的现状 -5 - 1经济方面的歧视 -6 - 2政策方面的歧视 -7 - 4我国农民工遭遇就业歧视的根源分析 -8 - -8 - 2维权组织原因分析 -9 - 4. 3法律原因分析 -10 - 4. 4社会习俗和思想文化影响 -11 - 5农民工自身素质较低 -11 - 5改变我国农民工就业歧视的对策及建议 -12 - 1完善现有的相关制度和政策 -12 - 5. 2建立针对农民工自身的维权组织 -14 - 5. 3建立和完善反就业歧视的法规制度 -14 - 5. 4正确看待农民工,转变歧视观念 -15 - 5. 5加强就业培训,提升自身素质 -15 - 6结论 -16 - 参考文献 -18 - 致谢 -19 - 1前言