uced voltage . starters, two-step auto-transformer starters Spécification des démarreurs de moteur pour les tensions inférieures et égales à 1000 Ven courant alternatif et 1200 Ven courant continu Partie 4. Démarreurs sous tension réduite en courant alternatif, démarreurs par autotransformateurs à deux étapes Spezifikation für Motorstarter für Spannungen bis und einschlie?lich 1000 V Wechselstrom und 1200 V Gleichstrom Teil 4. Motorstarter zum Einschalten unter verminderter Spannung, zweistufige Anlasstransformatoren British Standards Institution i Copyright British Standards Institution Provided by IHS under license with BSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- BS 4941 : Part 4 : 1977 Foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Power Electrical Engineering Standards Committee. It is identical with Publication 292 ‘Low-voltage motor starters’, Part 4 ‘Reduced voltage . starters : Two-step auto-transformer starters’ published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It supersedes those requirements of BS 587 : 1957 ‘Motor starters and controllers’‘all-or-nothing relay’ is defined (number 103 2103) in Group 03, Relay terminology, of Part 1 ‘Terms common to power, telecommunications and electronics’ of BS 47