摘要随着生活水平的提高,人们不仅要在物质方面提高生活水平,而且在精神方面希望有一个质的飞跃。于是,越来越多的人选择在周末或是假期外出,换换环境,享受在另外一种环境下的生活方式,来丰富自己的精神世界,扩展视野。各种各样的旅行社就是由此孕育而生,业务的繁重使得越来越需要旅游业务管理系统。魔界旅游管理系统是面向现实需求的一个实用系统。其设计的目的是为游客和旅行社提供一个友好的、直接的交流平台。本系统采用 B/S 架构设计,运行在 Framework 平台上,使用 Visual Studio 2005 为开发工具, Microsoft SQL Server 作为数据库,依据旅行社的业务需求开发一个高效,安全,易用,易维护的管理系统。本毕业设计分为六章。第一章简述了课题的来源以及设计的要求;第二章主要简述了该毕业设计的方案设计;第三章重点阐述了魔界旅游管理系统的系统设计,系统分为用户管理模块,酒店管理模块,景点管理模块,线路管理模块,导游管理模块;第四章重点阐述了数据库设计;第五章后台管理模块的设计与实现;第六章简单总结和展望旅游网站管理系统。关键词: 魔界旅游管理系统管理系统 B/S 架构 ABSTRACT As living standards improve, people not only to improve the standard of living in material terms, but also in the spirit ofhope that there isa qualitative leap. Thus, more and more and more people choose to goout on weekend or vacation, change of environment, and enjoy the environment at another way of life, to enrich their own spiritual world, expanding horizons. A variety of travel agents is born this breeding business makes more and more required the heavy tourist business management system. Tour management system are web-oriented needs ofa practical reality system. Its design is aimed at tourists and travel agencies to provide a friendly and direct exchange platform. The system uses the B/S architecture design, running on Framework platform, using Visual Studio 2005 for development tools, Microsoft SQL Server as the database, according to the Travel Agency business needs to develop an efficient, safe, easy to use, easy to maintain management system. The graduation project is divided into six chapters. The first chapter outlines the sources of the subject as well as design requirements; chapter outlines the main design of the graduate program design Chapter III focuses on tourism Trip_ Web Management System web system design, system is divided into the user management module, hotel management module, management module attractions, line management module, management module guides, Chapter IV focuses on database design; Backgrounds Chapter V management module design
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