学校代码: 10722 学号: 0808014123 分类号: 密级: 公开薄荷精油的提取及其杀菌活性的研究 Extraction of Essential oils from Peppermint And its Bactericidal Activity 张斌化学理学张知侠 2012 年5月摘要作者姓名指导教师学科门类提交论文日期专业名称成绩评定植物精油是植物体内小分子化合物形成的混合物,不同的成分组成有不同的功效。由于传统的化学农药有严重的残留问题,对人体和环境伤害较大;因此,近年来有许多人对精油的杀菌活性作了研究,用精油代替农药以减小对人体和环境的伤害。本实验采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取薄荷中的精油,再用 GC-MS 检测其化学组成成分,最后用速率测试法来研究薄荷精油的杀菌活性。薄荷精油中薄荷醇含量最高为 % , 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为 % , 1,3- 二氧六环-5- 醇为 % ,桉树醇为 % , 5- 甲基-2- 异丙基环己酮为 % , α- 萜品醇为 % , 三甲基苯甲醇为 % 。用薄荷精油对十二种真菌做杀菌活性实验, 其对不同真菌的杀菌活性有所不同,其中在 2500 mg/L 下对水稻纹枯,玉米大斑,黄瓜炭疽,苹果炭疽,小麦赤霉, 番茄叶霉的杀菌活性都在 % 以上。在 1500 mg/L 对番茄早疫和在 500 mg/L 对小麦纹枯的杀菌活性都为 100% 。关键词: 薄荷;植物精油;水蒸气蒸馏; GC-MS ;杀菌活性 Abstract Plant essential oil in plants is small molecules form, a mixture of positions have different effect. Because the traditional chemical pesticide residues have serious problems, the damage to the body and the environment is bigger; Therefore, in recent years, many of the essential oil to the bactericidal activity study, with the essential oil instead of pesticides to minimize the damage to the body and the environment. The experimental results of the essential oil extraction steam distillation menthol, again by GC-MS testing its position, final with speed rate testing method to study the peppermint oil bactericidal is the highest content % in peppermint oil, dibutyl phthalate as %, 1,3-Dioxan-5-ol as %, 1,8-Oxido-p-menthane as %, p-Menthan-3-one as %, p-menth-1-en-8-ol as %, p-Cymen-3-ol as %. Use of peppermint oil to twelve kinds of fungi do bactericidal activity experiment, it to the different fungi bactericidal activity is different, which in2500 mg/L bactericidal activity of peppermint oil to Setosphaeria turcica,Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum lagenarium,Apple ose,Fusarium graminearum,Fulvia fulva is over %. In1500 mg/L bactericidal activity to Alternaria solani and in500 mg/L bactericidal activity to Rhizoctonia cerealis is100% of all. Keywo
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