[摘要]皮亚杰是一位与时俱进的大师,直至晚年他还从相邻的学科中汲取营 养以修正和完善自己的理论。其成果被称为“皮亚杰的新理论”,以区别于“皮 亚杰的经典理论”。本文截取发生认识论的一个方面一认知发展阶段理论,对 以群、格和命题运算为工具的经典的四阶段理论,和以态射-范畴论为工具的内 运算、间运算、超运算理论作出比较,并说明了选择范畴论的理由以及新理论 中存在的问题。笔者认为,经典阶段理论能够说明横向的对应,而新的态射-范 畴论的引入则解决了纵向的转换问题。但由于皮亚杰没有以此重新整合经典理 论的全部成果,其新理论仍有待完善。
Abstract: Piaget is a master who keeps paces with the times. In his later years, he still takes nourishment from the neighbor subjects to revise and perfect his theory. Its results is called “Piaget's new theory " to differentiate from “Piaget's classical theory This thesis takes one aspect of genetic epistemology, the stage theory of cognitive development, compares the classical four-stage theory which uses group, lattice and propositional operation as its instruments with the new intraoperation, interoperation, transoperation theory which uses morphism-category theory as its instrument, and explains the reason to choose the category theory and the disadvantages in the new theory. The author pointed out that the classical stage theory explains horizontal correspondence, while the introduction of the new morphism-category theory resolves the problem of vertical transform. Nevertheless, since Piaget hasn't integrated the results of the classical theory with it, his theory remains to be improved.
Key words: the stage theory of cognitive development, Piaget's new theory, morphism-category theory, structure-construction
皮亚杰凭借其在生物学、哲学、心理学和逻辑学等领域精湛的研究,为认 识论提供了一种发生的视角,“把一般的哲学认识论改造成了个体知识生长的发 生认识论”1。儿童认知发展阶段理论作为其“发生认识论"(genetic epistemology )
1李其维:《论皮亚杰心理逻辑学》,华东师范大学出版社,1990年,第14页。 的一个重要方面,既有开创性的重要意义,又随着理论的深入发展而面临诸多 批评。经典的阶段理论将儿童的认知发展划分为感知运动阶段、前运算阶段、 具体运算阶段和形式运算阶段,并用逻辑数学工具(如群、格、命题逻辑)展 现阶段的结构性特点。然而,由于没有强有力的原理来说明从一个阶段到另一 个阶段的转变,即没有很好地展现其建构主义特点,阶段理论受到很多诟病。 晚年的皮亚杰在《走向一种意义的逻辑》、《态射与范畴:比较与转换》、《心理 发生和科学史》等著作中,以一种更新、更有力的方法去修正和发展他的理论。 他借助数学中的态射-范畴论,以内态射、间态射、超态射来说明阶段间结构的 转换,从而以建构主义的立场再次说明了认知发展的机制。皮亚杰因其结构主 义在哲学领域为人们所熟知,但他的结构主义是和建构主义相联系的,是发展 的结构主义
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