SEGE 冷 冻 式 干 燥 机 Freeze drier 使 用 说 明 书 Use instruction 目 录 Content 一 产品简介 I. Product Summary 二 工作原理 II. Operation principle 三 安全规则 III. Safety rule 四 安装及使用 IV. Installation and Use 五 维护保养 V. Maintenance 六 售后服务指导原则 VI. Guidance of After-sale service 为使您获得最佳使用效果,操作前务请熟读本说明书。 In order to optimize the service effectiveness, you should read up the instruction book before operating the drier. 产品简介 I. Product Summary 压缩气体干燥机在诸多行业和领域应用极为广泛,并成为保障当今高科技生产的必不可少的气源处理设备。在气体被压缩的过程中会产生大量的水和杂质,冷冻式干燥机及与之配套的压缩气体净化设备,为解决这一工业难题带来了福音,为需要压缩气体的各行各业提供纯净干燥的气源。 Compressed air drier is widely applied to a good many industries and serves as the air-supply process equipment indispensable to ensure the high-tech production today .The application of both freeze drier and its relevant compressed-air purifying equipments brings the gospel to the solution about a great deal of water and foreign substance both generated in the process of the air compression so as to provide various sectors with their required, purified and dried air. 冷冻式干燥机的工作原理是将被压缩气体冷却到一定的温度,将被压缩的饱和气体的气态水分冷凝成液态,并通过冷冻式干燥器的高效气水分离系统分离出来,从而达到干燥压缩气体的目的。 The freeze drier works in the principle that it cools the compressed air to the certain temperature degree, condenses into the liquid state the vaporous water contained in the compressed and saturated air and separates the liquid from the air with the high-efficiency water separation system applied to the drier so as to dry the compressed air. 南京赛格净化设备有限公司生产的NE、NS、NH系列的冷冻式干燥机采用了欧美的设计理念,具有体积小、结构紧凑、制冷效果好、外观较美等优点。 NE, NS and NH series driers all produced by NANJING SEGE PURIFICA