开题报告--英语专业开题报告内容及格式要求.doc开题报告内容及格式要求 一、 封面 二、 内容 论文背景与要解决的问题(Background and Research Plan)(不少于300词) 写作提纲(Outline) 主要参考书目(References) 三、 要求 全部内容用英文撰写。 纸型:A4 四、 格式 •Thesis Proposal (三号Arial体加粗居中) •I. Background and Research Plan (四号 Times New Roman 体加粗体) 内容(每段第一行缩进3・5个字母。小四号Times New Roman体) •Outline (四号 Times New Roman 体加粗) 题目(四号Times New Roman体加粗) •III. References (四号 Times New Roman 体加粗) 内容(英文:五号Times New Roman体;中文:五号宋体) 五、开题报告模式如下: 本科毕业论文(设计) 开题报告 学生姓名 专 业 学 号 班 级 指导教师 II. Outline I. Background and Research Plan This research investigates gender differences in second-language learning in terms of motivation, learning strategies, and learners9 beifc^hian attempt to work out the possible causes of differences and several useful sugg^t^^Q^acheTS and students of second-language learning. Although the study of gender as a variable in language le]小四号 Times New Roman 体 _ early stage, studies of individual language learner differences related to sex (biological) or gender (socially constructed) have shown that females tend to show greater integrative motivation, to use a wider range of learning strategies, particularly social strategies and global/synthetic rather than local/analytic comprehension strategies, express more concerns about the practical use of the language, have more positive affect towards learning, are keener to seek out authentic input and are more