2017年 5月 26日 目 录 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 前言 1 正文 2 1 材料与方法 5 材料 5 方法 6 2结果 7 7 3款POCT血糖仪与AU5800生化分析仪的相关性分析 8 3款POCT血糖仪与AU5800生化分析仪结果比对的通过率 8 3 讨论 9 4结论 13 参考文献 14 致谢 15 综述 16 摘 要 目的:通过3种不同便携式血糖仪(POCT)和AU5800全自动生化分析仪的血糖检测结果比较,了解便携式血糖仪对血糖检测的准确性。方法:选择分布在1-30 mmoL/L不同血糖浓度的肝素抗凝静脉血5份,采用本院100台便携式血糖仪检测(其中雅培血糖仪25台、达乐血糖仪35台、拜耳血糖仪40台)检测,每份标本重复测定两次;30min内分离血浆在AU5800全自动生化仪进行血糖测定,将3种不同类型血糖仪血糖检测结果与全自动生化分析仪检测的血糖参考值进行统计学分析。结果:3种不同便携式血糖仪与AU5800全自动生化分析仪的血糖检测结果均存在一定差异;但达乐、拜耳、雅培血糖仪与全自动生化分析仪结果相关系数分别为R26、、,3种POCT内部检测数据均重复性好,呈线性相关。结论:3种不同便携式血糖仪都能够满足血糖监测要求,但和全自动生化分析仪的血糖检测结果均有一定差异,只能用于血糖监测,不能用于血糖浓度精确的诊断。 关键词:便携式血糖仪;全自动生化分析仪;血糖浓度;生化检测 ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To know the accuracy of POCT (portable blood glucose meter) through comparing the results of blood glucose detected between 3 different types of POCT and automatic biochemical analyzer. Methods: 5% of the samples were selected from 1 to 30 mmol of blood glucose concentration. Each specimen was repeated twice. At the same time, plasma was separated from the plasma in the Au5800 automatic biochemical analyzer. The results were compared with . Results: The paired t test showed that there was significant difference between the two models (p> ), and the correlation coefficient was more than , which indicated that the correlation was good. Conclusion: 100 sets of blood glucose meter in line with China POCT blood glucose meter application guide, but different types of instruments and biochemical results have some differences, can be used for the monitoring of blood glucose, but not for accurate diagnosis. Keywords: POCT;automatic biochemical analyzer;blood gluco