ABSTRACT Sung Chiang Battle Array is one of the most traditioml artform ofthe local inthereligious fo】l【activities inTaiwan.‘‘1’beCreativeSung Chiang anized tertiaryinstitutiom”is petition ofthe traditional cultural islastedfor 9days inTaiwan Kaohsiung Neimen Districtandmust beheldintheFebruary of Lunar Yearwhich isthebirthmonth ofGnanyin local residents and tourists gather andpay respects atthetemple,where they willwatch theperformances oftheSung Chiang BattleArray mainpurpose is topray fortheblessing of peaceful,good weather andgood lifethroughGuanyin Chiang Battle Array shows astrong andhsciousmilitary exercisepattern Neimen Sung Chiang Battle Array Heritage in Taiwan which had a long history ismainly from civilgrassroots spontaneous theseyears,there was also averyimportant forcethat ispromoted by ‘'The Creative Sung Chiang anized by tertiary institutions'’ begin,petition also can reflects the indomitable character and theadmirable courage ofspkR ofNeimenpeople. This research uses thebestteam oftheparticipating institutions试‘叮he Creative Sung Chiang Battle anized bytertiary institutions’’inTaiwan Kaohsiung Neimen District researchused thequalitative research methods,such asfieldwork,text anddatacollection,and personal interviews asthemain the perspective of dance educationand dance creation,through theuse ofanthropology,folklore andaesthetics toexplore thedifferenttypes oftheperformance style,content characteristics and theSOurce ofideasof啊1c Creative Sung Chiang thesametime,the researcher isusing theaudio,video data,and watching those performed works as ,the researchersummarized andanalyzed withthecollectedsub-data Under thedc印research of theperformance matrix patterns ofthetraditiomlSung Chiang BattleArray,raising out the problems facedby‘叮hc Creative Sung Chiang Battle Array'’and thesuggestions ofSOl