为了方便信息的交流,在结合动态服务网页(JSP)和MYSQL 技术之下开发了这个快捷、界面友好的网上交流系统。论坛使用动态服务网页(JSP)技术建设论坛的骨干框架,使用MYSQL制作系统的数据库,实现了一个功能相对齐全的论坛系统,网友可以自由地提出问题以及帮助他人解决问题,或者交流经验。
本论坛采用了基于客户端的动态技术,用户通过浏览器发出 请求到Web服务器。Web服务器根据请求将数据请求传送给数据库服务器,数据库服务器将数据输出结果返回给Web服务器,再通过页面将数据显示给客户端。本论坛是采用JSP的技术开发的,具有简单、高效、可移植性好等特点。系统开发完成发布到网上空间后,用户可以直接用浏览器输入网址进行信息交流。而用户将不会受到地理位置和上网方式的限制。
关键词: 动态服务网页; 论坛; 用户管理;
In order to facilitate the exchange of information, we developed this fast, user-friendly online exchange system under the combination of dynamic website (JSP) and MYSQL technology. The forum used dynamic website (JSP) technology to build the backbone framework of the Forum, used MYSQL to make the database of this system; it achieved a forum system with relatively complete functions. Netizens can be free to ask questions and to help others solve the problems, or the exchange of experiences.
The functions of this forum are completed, and in here you can express your views and themes of the forum freely. We can also solve the problems of the netizens in a timely fashion, and gain useful knowledge for us. This forum has a special function, which is the powerful search function.
This forum is based on the dynamic technology of the client, users request to the Web server through a browser . Web server will send data requests to the database server by requests, database server output back data to the Web server, and then data will be displayed to the client through the pages. The development of this forum used the JSP technology, and this forum has the simple, efficient and good portability features. And the users can do anything without restrictions of geographical location and manner on Internet.
Key words: Java Server Pages; BBS; user management;
目 录
一. 绪论 1
课题的来源、背景与意义 1
课题要研究和解决的问题 1
课题对社会经济、科学发展、技术进步的意义 2
全篇论文的写作结构、各章内容安排 2
二. 文献综述 3
课题近几年以来的国内外动态 3
毕业设计基于jsp的bbs论坛网站设计 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.