This study adopted academic dishonesty Scale、perceived opportunity scale、attitude toward academic dishonesty scale and self-control scale to survey undergraduates. 543 undergraduates form grade one to grade four asked to complete these scales, investigating the status of academic dishonesty、perceived opportunity、attitude toward academic dishonesty and self-control. Then I investigated the influence of self-control on perceived opportunity、 attitudes toward academic and academic dishonesty. On the base of this result, I investigate the mediation of perceived opportunity and attitudes toward academic on the effect of self-control and its factors to academic dishonesty. It had been found: (1) The ability of self-control of Junior is the lowest of all the grades; except the factor of self-awaken, the junior in all the other factors appeared lower ability. (2) The liberal arts students are higher than science students in self-administer 、 self-programming and self-prompting; the students from the villag