Abstract urricul哪caIl contribute to11iglllight kinde玛anen’s Ⅱes itSuIliqllecul矗cul眦l ofcharacteristic cul五culu】[nis constrIlcted by alltllesta仃in t11ekinde唱arten,me experts,tlle parents aIldotller institutions ofeduCation,on me prehensiVe aIlalysis oft11eactuals沁ation of也eI曲de唱anen,t11e parents and constmcting ofl£i11de培arten 嘶clllum,we can promote t11edeVelopment ofyoung c11ildreninthe l(inde唱aIrten,promote the professional deVelopment ofteachers a11dimproVe the schoolleVel ofl(iIlde唱anen. The t11esisused a、Ⅳay ofinVeStigation,interview aJld soon,based on thereview ofrelated literahJre home aIldabroad,queStioned on kinde唱anen principals aIld teachers舶m 7kinde瞎抓ens inShall曲ai withdi虢rent leVels,the questioIlIlaires include meircogIlition aJldpractice umculum,and t11eirfeelings dimculties in conStmCting charaCteristic interviewed the 妯ndergartens mrther on the cognition aJldpractice ofconstmcting characteristic cul矗culum,to haVe prehensiVe understaJlding ofme cuHent situation hnde玛aIrten characteristic curriculum thebasis oftllis,thisp印er proposed sometllou曲ts and suggestions about l(inde略arten charaCteristic curriculum constIuction according tothepresent situation. Inme research,、Ve know thataltllough allofme bndergartens are constlllcting thecharacteristic cul矗culum,kLVe setup theirown charaCteristic culTiculum system and focusing on continui够a11dquality ofcharacteristic tllere are still maIlyproblems,me abil时and enthusiasm ofteachers。panicipation is notenou曲, resource deVelopment aIld utilization ofthecharacteristic is notsu伍cient,eValuation ofthecurriculum isdi伍cult tocany out,lack ofe虢ctiVe guidaIlce ofexperts,lack of suppon oftheeducation on the current situation,We propose the following thou曲ts alld suggestions about妯nde略arten characteristic curriculum constnlction:to establish a11dimpmve me construction ul矗cuIum o删zationm and i11stitutionalassur独ce;to improv
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