confere nces, learne d superi ors polici es; re ports, y ou can lear n to deal with problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensiv eness of our work, deci ded to not only do w e want to be "profess ionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to have k nowledge to rati onal a nalysis. Thi s on requirements we , not only to l earni ng national of route, a nd a pproa ch, and policy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the ory armed mind, al so to w ith economic t heory g uide w ork; not only to read histor y, also to rea d hist ory; not only t o absorpti on SM of mirror, also to gets i s of road; not only t o from local le arn, al so to t o out side le arn; not only to to books lear n, also to field study le arn. Therefore, I woul d encourage you, and more to t he outside worl d whe n I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outsi de dev elopments,
learn other pe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a nd then come ba ck to gui de our work. Second, we must t hink. "Learni ng without thoug ht to overshadow, t hinki ng without lear ning is peril ous." We want to foster the character of advancing wit h the times, forge a head, often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the new situation on whet her ther e are delays, have anyt hing to fear in t he reform and innovation, whether i n terms of accelerating the devel opme nt of a relaxation, kee p pr omising State of mind. In order t o do i nvestigations, inve stigations is the r oad to heaven, God di sposes of the ba se. T o wa nts to real heard trut h, and justi ce to tr uth, a nd get truth, receive d effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h act ual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orshi p masse s for Divisi on, a nd masses heart, with masses wit h dis cussi on every one care of problem, liste ning t hey of calls, understa
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