out city created, a nd care masse s life, focus work , in-de pth inve stigation, m ore out boutique masterpi ece, make s we of resear ch results more t o into le d of decision vi sion, more to i n nati onal some has effect of ne wspa per S hang publ ished, for adva nce work, a nd publicity cha ngde play due of role. Third, i nformation submitted to be pragmatic. Qui ck a nd timely. The a ncients said: for t he time system; statement back for t he time bei ng, nothi ng. T herefore, the submissi on of information t o do "four", that is, find the problem faster, edit orial writing, se nd a nd rea d faster appr oval and feedback to implement quick ly. o be true a nd accurate. True mainly refle ct the full pict ure of event s, one is one, tw o, thi s is the l ife of the information. Accura cy is primarily qualitative and quant itative questions, qua ntitative objective of publicQualitative logi c. To be reli able a nd useful. We submit infor mation to have access t o decisi on-making, to g uide and prom ote the w ork and solve practi cal pr oblem s. Mixed cum. On the negativ
information a nd emerge ncy i nformation, ra pid e scalati on i n strict a ccordance wit h the procedures, firm, new spa per, newspapers, nev er late, fail to report, false cla im and skimming. Inve stee 2. supervisi on and i nsist on, around and pr otecting t heir intere sts to touch the trut h, se ek practi cal result s. Adhere to people-orie nted, the most important thi ng is to realize, safeguar d and devel op t he fundamental i nterests of the overw helming majority of the people. We carry out inspe ction, so must go dee p among t he masse s, go deep into t he realities, a lways pay attenti on to t he people's liveli hood, to grasp the public sentime nt, and earne stly safeguard t he benefit, addressi ng the ma sses are m ost concerne d about a nd refle cting the stronge st issues, efforts to solve the problem of de cisi ons impleme nted and not impleme nted. One i s to stick t o pri nci ples.
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