关键词:图像融合 压缩感知 多尺度分析 Abstract Abstract Image fusion method using multi-scale analysis and compress sensing is discussed in this paper. In order to solve the problem of image fusion using multi-scale analysis, three algorithms of multi-scale analysis in image fusion are proposed in this paper. Through these three algorithms, high frequency part and low frequency part are fused into a single. The three methods are: image fusion method based on regional variance, image fusion method based on regional entropy and image fusion method based on regional energy. Experiment result shows that these three algorithms can improve both information entropy and average gradient with effect. In order to solve the problem of image fusion based on compressed sensing, two improved algorithms are proposed in this paper. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithms can improve both the quality of image and performance of compressed sensing compared to the algorithm of reserving the large part that of greater gradient. These algorithms proposed in the paper can solve the problem in image fusion using multi-scale analysis and compressed sensing, as well as improve the quality and detail information of the image.