双语:想拯救世界吗, 我要知道你的想法 Our isn ’t in very good shape right now. The air is polluted. The ocean is ing plastic soup. We’ re ina financial crisis. 现在我们的地球可不太平: 空气被污染, 海洋变成了塑料粥, 经济还在衰退...... Things don ’t seem to be looking too good, huh? 看起来不妙,是吧? There are a lot of people, that have a lot of answers. Everyone thinks their answer is right. We need cleaner, natural sources for energy. We need biodegradable products that if dumped, will simply disintegrate within a few weeks. As far as the financial crisis goes, that ’sa little trickier. Some people say we need more regulation. Others say we need more jobs. Others still say the cost of living is increasing too fast for our es to keep up. 很多人,都有自己的答案,个个都自己是正确的:我们需要更清洁、自然的能源; 需要抛弃后可在几周内分解的可生物降解产品。随着经济衰退的继续,情况更加复杂。有人说需要更多法规;其它则认为需要更多就业机会; 还有人说, 生活成本上升过快, 需要更多收入以保持生计。 Everyone has answers. 每个人都有答案。 The problem is, none of these answers address the fundamental problem: 但是,没有一个答案能解决根本问题: We don ’t need to do anything about it. 我们什么也不用做。 No, I didn ’t stutter. 不,我并没有大喘气。 The answer isn ’t in better solutions, fixes and different angles. The answer is… we need to do less. 答案并不在于更好的解决方案、改进措施或新的角度。而是...... 我们要做的更少。 There ’sa fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred. I’m sure you ’ re familiar with this, we all learned it in school. And the same rule applies to everything in life,
双语:想拯救世界吗,我要知道你的想法 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.