i n the Iecture, the professor made severaI points about the professor argues that However, the
read i ng passage contends that The professor's Iecture
cas ts doub t on the read i ng by us i ng a number of point that are contrary to....
the f i rst point that the professor uses to cast doubt
on the read i ng i s that.. ..According to the professor d i ffers from the read i ng i n that the
read i ng states The point made by the professor casts doubt on the read i ng becasue....
Another point that the professor uses to cast doubt on
the read ing is.... The professor claims that However, the
read i ng states Th i s point is cont rad i cted by
Final Iy, the professor stated that , on the contrary of
read i ng I n ot her words Th i s d i rec tly cont rad i cts
what the read i ng passage i nd i cates,because
反驳白勺单词,d i ffer from , d i sagree with, cas t doub t on, conf I ict with, chaI Ienge
In the Iecture, the professor made severaI points
about. ..The Iecture argues that The points made by the
professor agree with In fact, the examp Ies used by the
professor support...
Furthermore, the professor bo Isters the read i ng by stat i ng that....
The professor claims that Th i s point agrees with the
read i ng .which contends that
FinaI Iy, the professor states that , in support of the
read i ng Spec i f i ca I I y Th i s perfectly re i nforced
what the read i ng passage i nd i cats because
suppor t 白勺 单词有[www .to ef I easy, com] : enhance, upho I d,
corrobo,to back, justify, to substantiate, to advance
The I ecture i s mainly d i scuss i ng , and
by , cha I I eng i ng what are stated i n the read i ng
passage that , and .
F i rst of all, the speaker th i nks that . I n
cont rast, the read i ng passage be I i eves that . So,
the I ec ture total I y d i sagree with the v i ew made i n the read i ng.
Second, the speaker d i scusses , Contrad i cting
wha t is stated i n the read i ng that .
Final Iy, the speakers ra i ses t
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