毕业设计(论文)-DC-DC LED驱动电路设计.docx强)q惠折岩浣 熠肮HUIZHOU UNIVERSITY 毕业论文(设计) 中文题目: DC-DC LED驱动电路设计 英文题 目: The DC-DC Driver Cricuit Design of LED 姓 名 学 号 080703140 专业班级 电子信息工程1班 指导教师 提交日期2012年5月19日 教务处制 DC-DC LED驱动电路设计 中文摘要 摘要 随着大功率LED在灯光装饰和照明中的普遍使用,大功率LED驱动电路设计显得越来 越重要。在LED迅速发展的今天,LED驱动电路也随之快速跟进,多种驱动方式并存,不 同的设计方案在完善。在LED照明领域,没有好的驱动器的匹配,LED照明的优势将无法 体现。大功率LED是电流型器件,严格的控制流过LED的电流是恒定的及其重要,而且还 要实现可以对LED调光,满足各种需求。 本论文对LED的驱动方式进行了深入探讨,并基于集成电路PT4U5设计了一个低成 本、高效率、发光可调的恒流驱动电路,用以实现大功率LED的驱动。对驱动电路原理进 行分析后,动手制作了实物电路,并用示波器观察了电路输出波形。实验结果表明所设计 的驱动电路能保证LED的稳定高效率发光,在工程上有广泛地应用前景。 【关键词】: 大功率LED、开关电源、PWM、恒流驱动、PT4115、STC89C52 英文摘要 The DC-DC Driver Cricuit Design of LED Author: Zhou Biaoping Major: Electronic Information Engineering Teacher: Cao Jianzhong Title: professor (Electronic Science Deparment of Huizhou University, Guangdong, Huizhou, 516007) Abstract With the widespread use of high-power LED in the lighting and decoration ,the driver circuit design of high-power LED is becoming increasingly important. Today at the rapid development of LED, LED drive circuit also will fast track, multi-drive circuit modes exist,and different designs options is in improving, in the area of LED lighting, if there is no good driver circuit using, the advantages of LED will not be reflected. High-power LED is current-mode devices, strict control of constant current flowing through the LED is important, but also the LED dimming can be achieved to meet the various needs. The dissertation discusses in depth the driving LED mode, and based on IC PT4115 I design a lowcost,high efficiency, longer life,dimmable and constant current drive circuit to drive high-power LED. Then to analysis the driving circuit, I made the physical circuit and watched the circuit output with an oscilloscope waveform. The experimental results show that the design of the drive circuit can guarantee the stability of high-efficiency light-emitting LED, and I think that the driver circuit will be widespread used in engineering applications.