Research on the symptoms and the critical value of Nickel toxicity of maize ZHOU Mi-ping, LIU Jin-hua*, WANG Ya-qing, YANG Jing-min, YU Xiao-bin College of Resources and Environmental Science, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China
Abstract—Nickel (Ni) plays an important role in the growth The intentional and incidental disposal of sewage sludge, of plants, but it is also a kind of heavy metal which can easily industrial effluents, and mining processes etc. to the enrich in soil and exert toxic effect on plants. To evaluate the Ni agricultural lands results in the accumulation of Ni, and leads stress on the maize growth, a pot experiment was conducted by to contamination of the food chain [10]. So Ni toxicity is black soils sampled from the field in the middle of Jilin province. attracting increasing attention due to its dangerous negative And Ni was equilibrated in the soils to graded levels from 0 to effect on agricultural crops and animals. Study of Ni in black 800mg kg−1 soil. The main results were as follows: soil of Jilin corn belt is of importance for protecting and The concentration of Ni in maize had a negative correlation with the plant dry weight. The symptom of Ni toxicity was as utilizing the soil rationally, which is also benefit for local follows: maize root was short and thin, leaf curled with barred ecological