Detection Analysis of anisms in Municipal Sewage with PCR-based 16S rDNA Technique
Xu Xiaohong, Wu Chundu, Ning Degang Environment School Jiangsu University Zhenjiang, China Xuxiaohong@
Abstract—A 16S ribosomal DNA clone library from Zhenjiang consuming and an immensely expensive undertaking if municipal sewage was established by PCR using suitable primers. attempted on a regular basis. The total of 100 clones was selected by plasmid extraction and PCR identification. 31 clones were obtained and sequenced. From the There are a number of established methods for the detection DNA databases all sequences had above 94 % similarity to reference of most bacteria in wastewater. Most established detection sequences of the closest anisms. The sequences analysis methods either rely on the culturing using an artificial medium indicated that there were identified as Arcobacter sp. , or cell culture, or, when they cannot be cultured, through direct Fusobacterium necrophorum, anaerobic bacterium and Clostridium detection usually involving the use of microscopy. However, sp., obacter sp. amonas sp. in the municipal sewage. major limitations of these methods are associated with the time And Arcobacter sp. predominates in the study, constituting % of taken to isolate and/or identify the bacteria, the determination the 31 clones. The result