Classified Index: CODE: 10075 .: NO: 20100243 A Dissertation for the Degree of Research on Several Difficult Questions of the crime of medical practice Candidate: Xu Mei Supervisor: Associate Prof. Feng Huimin Prof. Wang Yuefei Academic De gree Applied for: Juris Master Specialty Juris Master University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June ,2013 摘要 I 摘 要 非法行医罪是我国于1997 年新增设的罪名,在2008 年最高人民法院又颁布了《关于审理非法行医刑事案件具体应用法律问题的解释》。但是,由于我国立法的语言比较模糊、概括,使得理论界和司法界对该罪的理解一直存在着很多争议。理论界和实务界对于非法行医罪中主体的认定、“医生执业资格”的理解、非法行医罪侵犯的客体等等问题依然有很多不同的观点。医疗服务业对于整个社会、整个国家来讲是十分重要的部门,因此,对非法行医罪进行研究很有必要。非法行医行为干扰了国家对医疗机构的医务人员的管理秩序,该行为已经危害到不特定人的生命健康,所以,笔者认为非法行医罪侵犯的客体是国家对医疗机构和医务人员的管理秩序以及不特定人的健康权、生命权;要对“行医”从两个方面来进行阐释,首先指的是一种医疗行为,其次需要行为人反复进行;需要明确“情节严重”是“非法的重要环节;”“取得医生执业资格的人”是通过全国执业医师考试,获得《医师执业资格证书》和《医疗机构从业许可证》的人; “医托”、在非法医疗机构中工作的护士、勤杂人员等、亲戚、朋友为非法行医者免费提供帮助,在特定情形下是能够构成本罪的共犯的; “受害人承诺”特定情形下也不能阻却非法行医罪的成立;此外,非法行医罪与医疗事故罪、非法进行节育手术罪、故意杀人罪、故意伤害罪、过失致人死亡罪、组织、利用会道门、邪教组织、利用迷信致人死亡罪是有区别的,司法实践中应当严格划分它们之间的界限,做到准确、有效的打击犯罪。 关键词 非法行医罪 客体 行为 主体 排除犯罪事由 Abstract II Abstract The crime of illegal medical practice is a newly added crime in 1997, and China's Supreme People's Court promulgated the law on th e inquisition of the crime of illegal medical practice in 2008. Due to the relatively vague language of our legislation, there are many controversies in the theory and judicial sectors. There are different ideas on the subject of the law, the understanding of the qualification of medical practice, the violating benefit of the crime of the medical practice and so on to th eoretical and practical circles. The medical service circle is a important apartment to the whole society and the whole country, which plays a great role on the life and the healthy sa fety to the people, so, prehensive and thorough study of the crime of illegal medical pract ice, beating the illegal of outlaw blow are necessary. The action of illegal medical practice has distu
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