非凸优化问题的组合同伦方法.doc■ 45 ■
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Vol, ]7,NdU
March .200K
第17卷第1期 吉林农业科技学院学报
200R 年 3 月 Journal of Jilin Agiicultuml Science aiul 1'echnology College
摘要:借鉴已有帕理论结果"研尤典休一娄非凸约束区城上优化何題的组合同伦方淙的实现“針对遠粪非凸约束 ’证明了所选映射关于箱束梯度耀正独业的■,可打城关于所选映射丸满足拟法锥条件的, 构造了辄法傩秦件苫的组合同伦方程,给出了翁值侧子a
中国分类号:013 文献标识码沁
The Combined Homotopy Methods for Nonconvex Optimization Ptoblem
GAO Yunfeng
(Jiiiti Agntnittiral Sciertce cuid Tjechnolngy^ College 住part"迥a of fkisic Scieitce T Jilin 132101., Cluna)
Abstract: Da^iwing lessons from the ready thcoiics results, diis paper deals with the achicveriitnl of optimfzntion pinUcrn ahouL( cnnhine<] hoinotupy inlcrior |»int metliod (CHIP) on concn^te a lypc of Tionconvcx constrained domain- Coniraposing to this nonconvex constiainetl doniain,we give lh* snuclure rnethc J of Uic quasi - noiiual. Prove tlie Loosen mnpping^ on fOfistiTiineil grails ai^ positive itulcpendenl f die chosen mapping on consuuinLs (easible sei satisfy die quasi - nuntial cone condition, arxl const me 1 ccmbi ned homoiopy equation uider (he quasi - nonml cone con<li- lion wi LJi niLincriud value ;md uxatnples,
Key words: nojic'onv^ optimb日lion; combined hoiitoiopy n)eihod; |KKitive independent j the quasi - norma] l'uiic condi tiun
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非凸优化问题的组合同伦方法 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.