Chapter 7 Discourse Analysis语篇分析 2021/3/30 1 Major contents and discourse analysis structure 3. Cohesion and coherence markers analysis 6. Critical analysis 2021/3/30 2 精品资料 2021/3/30 3 你怎么称呼老师? 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? 教师的教鞭 “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……” 2021/3/30 4 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Discourse Language above the sentence or above the clause. (Stubbs,1983:1) Text linguistics/ discourse analysis written spoken Used interchangeably now 2021/3/30 5 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis Discourse linguistics/ discourse studies/ text analysis The study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc. p168 2021/3/30 6 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Language in use Pragmatics: meaning Discourse analysis: information structure Most powerful instrument: Functional Systemic Grammar 2021/3/30 7 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Fertilizers put back what the rain and plants take away. Plastic pots are not just substitutes for clay ones. Pears are a little more temperamental than apples. Supporting and training are not quite the same thing. × 2021/3/30 8 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis Pick up a handful of soil in your garden. Ordinary, unexciting earth. Yet it is one of Nature’s miracles, and one of her most complex products. Your success as a gardener will largely depend upon its condition, so take the first bold step in gardening --- get to know your soil. √ 2021/3/30 9 1 Discourse and Discourse Analysis A primary task of DA is to explore the linguistic features which characterize discourse. The goal of DA is to examine how reader or user of a discourse recognizes that parts