摘 要:本文分析了 CAI 的现状和发展趋势,阐述了一个基于 Browser/Server 结构的以自学型为 主的计算机辅助教学软件的设计与实现。它围绕知识点结构按与此系统交互的人员将其分成教师、 学生和督导人员三个模块,实现了通过 Internet 完成教与学的教学模式。 关键词:CAI,WWW,Browser/Server,远程开放教学
Design of Network Courseware of Web Browser Style Based on Browser/Server Li BenFu (GuangDong Vocational College of Mechanical & Electrical Technology,GuangZhou GuangDong 510515)
Abstract: This paper analyses the current state and the trends of CAI, then we present the design and implementation of a computer-aided Instruction software system for self-studying which is based on the Browser/Server technology. Focused on the structure of knowledge nod, It is separated into three modules, that is teacher module, student module and monitor module, which implements the mode of teaching and studying through Internet. Key words: CAI; Web; Browser/Server; long-distance and open teaching