向亚玲 徐婷 [摘要]目的:觀察火针配合穴位埋线治疗囊肿型痤疮的疗效,并探讨对皮肤屏障功能的影响。方法:将笔者医院门诊收治的囊肿型痤疮患者分为联合组(n=94)和药物组(n=73),药物组予以异维A酸软胶囊治疗,联合组予以火针+穴位埋线治疗,治疗6周,比较两组临床疗效、皮损评分以及皮肤屏障功能相关指标情况,观察不良反应,统计随访2个月两组的复发情况。结果:%,%,差异有统计学意义(P<);治疗后,两组患者囊肿、结节、质地、肿痛、颜色各项皮损评分显著降低(P<),联合组低于药物组(P<);两组患者粘脱蛋白质含量、TEWL、a值显著降低(P<),角质层含水量显著升高(P<),联合组优于药物组();两组患者均未见明显局部以及全身严重不良反应,随访2个月,%,%,差异有统计学意义(P<)。结论:火针配合穴位埋线治疗囊肿型痤疮疗效显著,可有效改善患者皮损症状,增强皮肤屏障功能,提高远期疗效。 [关键词]穴位埋线;火针;重度痤疮;囊肿型;皮肤屏障功能;皮损 Abstract: Objective To observe the efficacy of fire needle combined with acupoint catgut embedding on severe cystic acne and to explore its effects on skin barrier function. Methods Patients with cystic acne admitted to outpatient department of our hospital were divided into combined group (n=94) and drug group (n=73). Drug group was treated with isotretinoin soft capsules, and combined group was given fire needle + acupoint catgut embedding, and they were treated for 6 weeks. The clinical efficacy, skin lesions scores and skin barrier function-related indicators were compared between the two groups, and the adverse reactions were observed, and the recurrence at 2 months of follow-up were counted in the two groups. Results The total improvement rate in combined group after treatment was significantly higher than tha