注射用头孢孟多酯钠与注射用奥美拉唑钠的配伍禁忌探讨.doc注射用头孑包孟多酯钠与注射用奥美拉哩钠的配伍禁忌 探讨 【摘要】目的探讨注射用头抱孟多酯钠与注射用奥美拉哩钠的配 伍禁忌。方法高效液相色谱法(HPLC)法测定头抱孟多酯钠、奥美拉哩 钠配伍液在4、25、30°C环境下放置6 h内不同时间点外观、相对含量及 pH值的变化。结果 在室温(25、30 °C)条件6 h下,配伍液外观、澄明 度及pH值发生明显变化,且头抱孟多酯钠、奥美拉哩钠含量明显降低。 结论注射用头抱孟多酯钠与注射用奥美拉哩钠存在配伍禁忌,应间隔使 用。 【关键词】头抱孟多酯钠;奥美拉哩钠;配伍禁忌 D0I: 10. 14163/j. cnki. 11-5547/r. 2015. 14. 011 Incompatibility investigation between cefamandole nafate for injection and omeprazole sodium for injection LI Min~ru. Department of Pharmacy, Dongguan City Zhongtang Hospital, Dongguan 523220, China [Abstract ] Objective To investigate the incompatibility between cefamandole nafate for injection and omeprazole sodium for injection. Methods High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was applied to detect changes of external appearance, relative amount and pH of cefamandole nafate and omeprazole sodium in different time points during 6 h under 4, 25, and 30°C. Results After 6 h under indoor temperature (25 and 30°C ), the solutions had obvious changes in external appearance, clarity, and pH. Contents of cefamandole nafate and omeprazole sodium were remarkably decreased. Conclusion Cefamandole nafate for injection is incompatible with omeprazole sodium for injection, and they should be applied separately. [Key words 】 Cefamandole nafate ; Omeprazole sodium ; Incompatibility 头抱孟多酯钠(cefamandole nafate)为第二代头抱菌素类广谱抗生 素,奥美拉哩钠是临床常用质子泵抑制剂和抗酸药,二者常联用于放化 疗后引起胃溃疡或食管炎合并咽部感染等疾病的治