II 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Computer science is devel oping very fast today, both software and hardware. Now computer is not only a terminal tool for computing, email-sending, surfing, but also a supporter for multiple dimensional virtual worlds. Although the current technique of virtual world is mostly used for entertainments, with puter capabilities and simple relevance to the real world, virtual world will be used wildly puter’s capability expands. It makes us easier to unde rstand the fundamentals of the real world, with the scientific simulation of virtual wo rlds. It also provides us better chance to prediction and plan-making. This paper desc ribes the design and implementation of a game engine named Vec, which code is accesso ry of this paper. It bases more on reality simulating. By applying the game engine, va rious types of games can be made, on PC platform, Windows. The game types incl ude Real-Time Strategy Game (RTS), Role-Playing Game (RPG), Strategy Game (SLG), Action Game (ACT), First Personal Shooting Game (FPS) and Adventure Game (AVG). The Vec Game Engine contains 2 parts ca lled Game Scene System and Game Object System. The scene system provides basic suppo rt for the game, configures camera view for the window, creates time and space of th e game, and provides lighting and particle effects. The object system includes kinematics system, path finding algorithm, finite state machine and 3D model support. The Vec Game Engine has clear layers ponents, powerful class definitions, flex ible interfaces, thus bringing excellent performance and extensibilities. Key words :Virtual World Game Engine DirectX Architecture Design 独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年月日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权华中科技大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段
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