Clean Tower Technologies, Inc. HVAC TECHNOLOGY ANALYSISFOR IMS1000 TM Executive Summary GEC is developing a business segment (Clean Tower Technologies, Inc.) for the purp ose of validating the use of a licensed proprietary Ionized Copper formula, IMS1000 TM, for application as a water treatment chemical in the HVAC industry. The formula is highly certified and widely tested for biocide applications in drinking water, waste water treatment, fish farming, algae and fungus control, agriculture and as a topical di sinfectant. In fact, it has been scientifically tested as a biocide, algaecide and fungicide in nearly every conceivable format, but never with HVAC equipment. However, it is proven to be 100% effective similar environments for the elimination and control of all anisms that foul the water in cooling towers, both open and closed loop systems and boilers. Currently, most HVAC systems require the use of corrosive biocides, scale removers, anti- corrosion chemicals and water softeners to maintain safe, balanced operating conditions. These products are produced by many manufacturers in formulations that claim similar results for each of their targeted water treatment issues. GEC believes IMS1000 TMwill be proven unique in that it can consolidate the wat er treatment abilities of several chemicals into to a single