[精品]他克莫司软膏联合三重修护特润霜治疗女性面部激素依赖性皮炎疗效观察.doc他克莫司软膏联合三重修护特润霜治疗女性面部激素依赖性皮炎疗 效观察 他克莫司软膏联合三重修护特润霜治疗女性面部激素依赖性皮炎疗 效观察 [摘要]目的:了解他克莫司软膏联合三重修护特润霜治疗女性 面部激素依赖性皮炎的疗效及安全性。方法:采用随机对照开放试验, 他克莫司组给予他克莫司软膏外用,2次/天,待皮疹痊愈后改为1 次/天,连用3天后停药;特润霜组给予特润霜外用,2次/天,待皮 疹痊愈后仍可维持;联合组给予他克莫司软膏外用每日两次,特润霜 外用2次/天,错时使用,待皮疹痊愈后他克莫司软膏改为1次/天, 连用3天后停药,特润霜2次/天维持。于就诊的当日,用药的第7、 28天复诊,记录皮疹变化,对红斑、丘疹、鳞屑及瘙痒、刺痛的总 积分进行评价。结果:治疗第7天,联合组的显效率与他克莫司组相 当,优于特润霜组;联合组的痊愈率优于他克莫司组或特润霜组。治 疗第28天,联合组的显效率和痊愈率均优于他克莫司组或特润霜组。 结论:他克莫司软膏联合三重修护特润霜治疗女性面部激素依赖性皮 炎具有较好的疗效,安全性较高,在临床有一定的推广价值。 [关键词]他克莫司;三重修护特润霜;激素依赖性皮炎;面部 [中图分类号]R758. 2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455 (2011) 04-0627-03 Clinical observation of tacrolimus cream combined with triple selective emollient cream in treatment of female facial steroid dependence dermatitis YANG Ting, YUAN Hui-ying, PU Jie, BI Ming-ye (Department of Dermatology and Pharmacy, Wuxi People's Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Wuxi 214023, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of tacrolimus cream combined with triple selective emollient cream in treatment of female facial steroid dependence dermatitis. MethodsA randomized controlled open trial was performed. The group of tacrolimus was applied with tacrolimus cream twice per day only and the therapy was switched to once every day for three days after the rash cured. The group of emollient cream was applied with triple selective emollient cream twice per day and maint