教师资格证中学英语面试阅读题模拟试题一 :阅读教学试讲 : One day,a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport,but after a very long time,the taxi did not come. He called the girl in the taxi company again. The girl in the taxi company said,“ the taxi has not come,but you need not to worry about it as the airplane is always late.” the man answered,“certainly,the airplane will be late this morning,because I happen to be flying it.” 基本规定:(1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容恰当板书。 (3)针对该段落中划线某些,设计相应阅读后教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:约10分钟。 (5)用英文试讲。 题目是用机器抽好然后打印在一张纸上面,此前在网上看到说会给你2个题目选取,但是实际状况是只是给你一道指定题目。这种做法在一定限度是有点不公平,由于用全英文来专家语法显然比全英文专家口语或者阅读要难多,由于语法中那一大推专业名词用中文你都不一定可以说出来,更别说英文了。但是不论是网上传言还是从我实际参照来看,抽到类似上面我所抽到阅读题型学生是最多。因而人们要注重这种题型作答办法。 OK,在提前二十分钟抽到题后,我和其她同窗一起在一种教室里面写教案。我旁边一种华师女生抽到是听力题。固然了,这是她自己说,写教案时候是不许交谈,不许带参照资料,也不许打开手机,违者属于作弊,这个监考人员屡次强调过,因此只能靠自己平时积累某些东西来完毕接下来整个面试了。我所写教案是下面这个版本: Teaching Plan Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim:let students master the useful word and expressions in the reading material. Ability aim:let the students learn how to communicate with other persons in a more polite way. Learn the reading skills of skim and scan. Emotional aim:let the student