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中国矿业大学(北京) 题目: 煤气化废水处理方法综述学生姓名: 赵柯学号: TSP0702005136Q 专业: 环境工程指导教师: 王春荣 2007 年 12月煤气化废水处理方法综述摘要:煤气化是减少燃煤污染的有效途径,但气化过程中产生的废水会对环境造成污染。本文针对废水中主要污染物的不同,对其处理方法、治理技术、工艺分别进行了论述,并提出了建议。分别介绍了煤气化废水中有用物质的回收, 生化处理方法以及深度处理方法。具体介绍了废水中酚和氨的回收, 采用活性污泥法、生物铁法,炭—生物铁法、缺氧—好氧( A—O )法对废水进行处理,采用活性炭吸附法和混凝沉淀法对废水进行深度处理。关键词:煤气化;废水处理; 活性污泥法 THE SUMMARY OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY OF COAL G ASIFICATION A bstract gasification is an effective way to reduce the coal pollution, but the wastewater caused by the coal gasification process will p ollution environmental .ording to different main pollutants of wastewater, the disposal methods , treatment technology and techniques are separately discussed, and suggestion is put forward. U seful material s recovered from the wastewater, biological and chemistry treatment, deep ly treatment are introduced in this article . Phenol and the ammonia recycl ed from wastewater and wastewater treated by activated sludge, b iological iron , charcoal -b iological iron and wastewater deeply treated by acticarbon absorption and Coagulation precipitation are introduced in this paper. Key word : coal gasification, wastewater treatment, activated sludge 1 引言煤气化废水是煤制焦炭、煤气净化及焦化产品回收过程中产生的高浓度有机废水,属于焦化废水的一种。水质成分复杂, 污染物浓度高。废水中含有大量的酚类、联苯、吡啶、吲哚和喹啉等有机污染物,还含有氰、无机氟离子和氨氮等有毒有害物质,污染物色度高,属较难生化降解的高浓度有机工业废水。对煤气化废水的处理,单纯靠物理、物理化学、化学的方法进行处理,难以达到排放标准,往往需要通过由几种方法组成的处理系统,才能达到处理要求的程度。因此煤气化废水的处理,一直是国内外废

煤气化废水处理方法综述 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 上传人xxj16588
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  • 时间2016-08-01