1 循环加卸载下尾砂胶结充填体力学参数变化特征的试验研 究与分析 邹尤森 杨天雨 张希 摘要: 随着开采深度的不断提升, 充填采矿法以其矿石损失贫化率低, 井下 作业环境好等优势已经获得许多矿山企业的青睐, 通过尾砂胶结充填体循环加卸 载试验, 探讨了弹性应变, 塑性应变, 弹性模量以及加载变形模量这些力学参数 随着循环加卸载的进行的演化特征以及充填体内部损伤的成因, 分析了充填体试 件的强度与配合比之间的关系, 讨论了循环加卸载对充填体试件强度加强的原因, 为矿山尾砂胶结充填体在井下复杂环境下的承载受力分析, 弓金度设计,损伤预判 以及井下安全施工提供理论依据。 Abstract : With the continuous improvement of mining depth , the filling mining method has been favored by many mining enterprises for its low ore loss and dilution rate , good underground working environment and other advantages. Based on the cyclic loading and unloading test of cemented tailing backfill , the evolution characteristics of mechanical parameters such as elastic strain , plastic strain , elastic modulus and loading deformation modulus with the cyclic loading and unloading and the causes of internal damage of backfill are discussed;The relationship between the strength and mix ratio of the filling body is analyzed;This paper discusses the reason why the strength of filling body specimen is strengthened by cyclic loading and unloading;It provides theoretical basis for bearing capacity analysis , strength design , damage prediction and underground safety construction of cemented tailing backfill in complex underground environment. 关键词:尾砂胶结充填体 ; 力学参数 ; 强度 ; 损伤 2 Key words tailings cemented filling body;mechanical parameters;strength;damage 中图分类号: TD853 文献标识码