Abstract Now,the cost ofhighereduction for their children e amajor expenditure,which is arelativelyheavy burden inrelation apacity of ,the poor familieshold ahigher expected benefitfrom theirchildren toimprove thefamily’S social status. Thisstudy isbased onthesurvey dataabout Yunnan Province Chuxiong 78poor studied thechildren ofpoor families toinvestinand benefitfrom highereducation,analysis ofhigher education inpoverty·stricken families are facing thechoice ofbehavior,proposed theprinciple choice of higher eduction isimportant toreducethegap between input andbenefit,the rational choice can more effectivelyhelp thepoor familiesthrough investment ineducation to improve theireconomic conditions and social status. This studyproposes thefollowing fourproposals inorder tohelppoor families to choose thehigher ,construct , poor familiesadjust theexpected benefits ,poor families adjust theexpenditure ofhigher education..Fourth,poor familiesexpand the educationalchoicesthrough avariety ,thegovernment,college andpoor families interaction,enhance their Employment capacity and entrepreneurial capacity. This paper consists firstchapter defines thekeyconcepts relevant tothestudy,this paper aims tosolve themain problems,research methods secondchapter is adataanalysis aboutpoverty-stricken familiesinYunnan ProvinceChuxiong,Objectively recorded thepoorfamilies’ choice behavior IIIforthe V findings oftheoreticalanalysis,include thespending and thebenefit,proposed the riteriaofrationalchoice,andanalyzes theimpact ofpoor families ofrational W sets out topromote rational choice ofhigher education in poverty—stricken familiesproposals andresponses inorder tocontribute more effectively topoor familiesthrough thefamily investmentineducat
贫困家庭对子女接受高等教育的理性选择研究——基于云南省楚雄州的调查 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.