Classified Index: University Code: 10075 : NO: A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts Research of Art Painting by Pan Tianshou Candidate : Feng Na Supervisor : Ling Academic Degree Applied for : Master Degree of Arts Speciality : Arts University : Hebei University Date of Oral Examination : May,2012 摘要 I 摘要潘天寿是中国绘画史上一位承前启后的大画家,是二十世纪著名的绘画大师,他博采石涛、八大山人、吴昌硕等大家的艺术之长,并在继承传统的同时,不断进行发展和创新,逐渐形成了自己独特鲜明的个人风格。潘天寿的艺术创作,不仅影响了同时代的画家,而且也对后世的绘画发展产生了深远的影响。本文试图以艺术学理论为基础,重点从潘天寿的艺术作品和艺术理论出发,对潘天寿的绘画艺术进行较全面和深入的研究,并以他绘画风格的形成、完善、成熟为研究主线,结合他所处的时代背景、生活境遇和师承关系等来剖析其绘画风格的成因和变化;再有,还通过选择有其代表性的作品,重点针对潘天寿的绘画语言特色及形式创新、绘画题材的拓展等特色去做具体的论述和分析;最后,归纳总结了他对绘画艺术特殊贡献,从研究角度和方法上来看,做了比较系统、深入和全面的剖析,将有助于我们认识现代绘画艺术发展的脉络,展现潘天寿在中国绘画史上举足轻重的地位。他的典范性,对中国艺术家成长和成才具有启发和指导意义。关键词: 潘天寿艺术风格笔墨特色构图创造题材扩展改革创新 Abstract II Abstract Pan Tianshou is one of the greatest master painters in the 20th Century, who links up the past and future of the Chinese painting history. His bine the essence of ancient masters such as Shi Tao, Badashan ren and Wu Changshuo. While preserving the traditional characteristics in his paintings, he also came up with innovations and developed a distinctive persona l style. His works have gene rated a profound influence on both contemporary painting artists and painting itself. This essay thoroughly examines and discusse s Pan’s works and his art theories based on the Science of Art Discipline. Following th e lead of the formation, improvement and perfection of his painting style, the causes and changes of his st yle are analyzed in light of his times, living conditions and hi s art inheritance. In addition, some of his representative works are discussed and analyzed in a detaile d manner with a focus on the characteristics of his painting language, his position as well as the topic expansion. Finally, the author makes a summary of his unique contribu tion to the art of painting after a thorough, systematic plete analysis in t
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