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彩虹防伪纤维单根多色防伪纤维又称多色段防伪纤维、色谱防伪纤维、彩虹防伪纤维、断点防伪纤维,包含可见单根双色纤维、单根双色防伪纤维、单根三色防伪纤维、单根双色荧光防伪纤维、单根三色荧光防伪纤维。该纤维是由多种颜色组合的,在同一根纤维上有“红-蓝- 绿、荧光红- 荧光蓝- 荧光绿”等多种颜色色段按规律排列,每种颜色可以是肉眼可见色,也可以是紫外荧光激发颜色等。该纤维用来制作防伪纸张,可以有效防止造假者用印刷细线的方式仿冒普通有色纤维和单根单色荧光纤维的视觉效果。由于印刷套色很难准确到微米级别, 因此无法用印刷细线的方式模仿添加了该种纤维的防伪纸张。消费者可以用以下两种方法辨别: a 、撕开纸张或用针挑出纤维直接观察,每一根纤维上都有多种颜色。 b 、两种色段交接处不会产生错位, 若有错位,可判定为印刷仿冒。 Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixe d in the paper pulp to mak e the security paper. There are more than one color ( or UV excitation color) on a single fiber. The colors and the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer ’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short line s on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber ,b ut it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junc tion of the two adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short line s are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints. 所属种类: 防伪短纤维:产品长度 1-8 毫米,直径 20-200 微米,通过颜色变化、颜色组合方式、变色条件、外形等特征达到防伪效果, 其上的防伪特征具体有:(1) 颜色及

彩虹防伪纤维 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数3
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  • 上传人xxj16588
  • 文件大小74 KB
  • 时间2016-08-15