关键词:宫腹腔,腹腔镜,剖宫产术后,子宫切口憩室万方数据 The clinical curative effectstudy of hVSter0SCODV-laDar0SCODV repair tlle cesarean sectlon V I V I I uterine incision diverticulum ABSTRACT Objective:This paper mainly discusses the hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgical diagnosis and treatment ofjoint on the clinical efficacy of cesarean section uterine incisiondiverticulum repairanalysis, explore the causes oftheformation ofdiverticulum ofthe uterus after cesarean section andtheeffectiveness ofrepairoperation. Methods:Systemic retrospectively analyzed Guangxi university of Chinese medicine affiliatedhospital ofRuikang hospital curedthe atients cesarean section ofuterine incision diverticulum after cesarean section, from January 2010 tO June 20 follow—up the caes first months,3 months,6 months aftertheoperation,and at3months the patients didhysteroscopy processing,adopt SPSS forstatisticalanalysis ofdatafromeasurement datawith(x 士s),comparing the ftest,P< forthedifference was statistically significant. Results:Withinhysteroscopy and bined repair the cesarean sectionuterine incision diverticulum of32patients,3 1patients were cured,the cure rate %;1 cases ineffective,Around June 1 patients inpostoperative recurrence,the ineffective ratewas %;The totaleffective rate was %(31/32).Compared metrual cycle with thepreoperative and postoperative period isreduced(+)d,the difference was statisticallysignificant俨<). 万方数据 Conclusion(s):Hysteroscopy and bined repair the sectionuterine incisiondiverticulum isminimally invasive surgery,it is currently inclinical use more of one hasthe following advantages:laparoscopic vision isbroadly,clearly anatomical, it can beconducted inintraoperativepelvic adhesion separation cooperate withhysteroscopy can locationclea,help theperformer intheoperation tolocationclearly,reduce theoperation time,intraoperative bleeding less intraoperative and plications and
宫腹腔镜联合修补剖宫产子宫切口憩室的临床疗效研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.