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CNI22 苏丹喀土穆北电厂三期 SUDAN KNPS PHASE Ⅲ CNI22 PORJECT DEPARTMENT 试验室原材料取样程序 Sampl ing Procedure of Raw Material for Lab 16-5-2007 目录 Contents 1. CNI22 苏丹项目部试验室质量控制陈述 S tatement of Quality Control in the Testing Laboratories I22 Sudan Project Office 2. 卵石取样方法 S ampling method of pebble s 3. 砂取样方法 Sampling method of sand 4. 水泥取样方法 Sampling method of cement 5. 粉煤灰取样方法 Sampling method of fly ash 6. 钢筋取样方法 Sampling method of steel bars 7. 混凝土小型空心砌块取样方法 Sampling method of concrete small hollow building block s 8. 普通混凝土试样取样方法 Sampling method mon concrete specimens 9. 砂浆取样方法 Sampling method of mortar 10. 回填土密实度取样方法 Sampling method of back I22 苏丹项目部试验室质量控制陈述 S tatement of Quality Control in the Testing Laboratories I22 Sudan Project Office 1、 CNI22 苏丹项目部试验室的检测人员应具备相关的岗位技能及持有检测资格证书, 方可上岗。 1. The testing personnel in the testing laboratories I22 Sudan Project Office shall have relevant professional skills and hold the testing qualification certificate .2、 CNI22 苏丹项目部试验室, 在苏丹喀北电厂三期工程施工中, 对工程所用的原材料, 要做到及时有效的检测。 2. All raw materials necessary for the execution of Khartoum North Power Station-Phase III Project shall be tested timely and effectively in the testing laboratories I22 Sudan Project Office. 在原材料进场后及时通知监理及其它相关单位, 严格按中国标准规定的取样方法进行现场取样, 并做好见证取样签字程序。 . After the mobilization of raw materials, inform the Supervis pany and anizations concerned, carry out on-site sampling in strict accordance with the sampling methods specified by the China standards, ply with the witness sampling signature procedures. 没有经过检测和检测不合格的原材料, 严禁在工程中使用。 The raw materials that have not been tested or are non-conforming shall not be used during the execution of project. 在原材料的存放处设置待检( 待用) 、已检( 准用) 标识牌。 Such identification marks of“ To be tested (To be used) and Tested (Use permitted) ” shall be installed at the storage places of raw materials. 3 、现场混凝土搅拌站在混凝土生产过程中, 严格按混凝土配合比中的材料用量进行配制生产, 并及时做到对混凝土的坍落度以及其它相关技术要求的检测,对不合格的混凝土不允许出站, 要及时做好混凝土试件的取样工作, 并按相关要求做好检测记录。 3. Concrete shall be prep

试验室操作规程 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数12
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  • 上传人mh900965
  • 文件大小110 KB
  • 时间2016-08-25