98SM077张锋住宅的价值工程研究及其在经济适用住宅开发中的应用 ABSTRACT It’S an urgent problem for US tostudy intheearly 21’thcentury that how can the residentialproperty construction inShanghai suitthedevelopment ofthe urban economic andhow tosatisfy theincreasing population and thehope of improving theliving residentsinShanghai have very strong desire to improve the living condition and theresidential properties in Shanghai are appealed thesame time,theconsumption on residential property inShanghai willgrow up anddevelop with the direction to afamous thetenth“five years planing”,the residentialproperty construction inShanghai willstillbevery ,it e anurgent problem that how toguide thedevelopment ofreal estateby usingVE(valueengineering)theory as tolowerthe costand enhance the function pany Can use the VE theory tocontrolthe costand asthe same time meet therequirement of the consumer,they willundoubtedly enhance their petition capability. After analysis on VE ofresidentialproperty construction aswell as on its employment in thedevelopment of affordable low price properties,the conclusion es tofactthatthefairlygood effectiveness may ensured withthepersistentconforming totheprinciple of VE during development of residentialproperties. Main cost occurred intheconstruction iSthe land use andconstruction cost. The residentialfunction isinfluenced by some factorslikeindoor oroutdoor value of theresidentialproperty reflectstheratioofits function ,some ways may beintroduced toenhance thevalueof theresidentialproperties. 1 no change infunction andlowerthe cost 2enhance thefunctionand nochange in cost 3properly increase in costandrapidimprovement infunction 4enhance thefunction andlowerthe cost key words:residential property function cost value 98SM077张锋住宅的价值工程研究及其在经济适用住宅开发中的应用 l序言根据上海社科院房地产业研究中心的《上海居住现状,人口增长与住宅建设适度规模研究》,通过将上海住宅的情况与国内外的情况作的比较,其结论:一是上海住宅与:二是上海住宅与国际比较