太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 STUDY oN PRETREATMENT oF LANDFILL LEACHATE WITH MAP—-FENToN ABSTRACT Landfill leachate is plex waste water e from theprocess of anic—polluting plex waste water which iffrom the process is ahigh concentration ofammonia anic matter and heavy metal ,it will be harmful the promulgation of new((Life Landfill PollutionControl Standards))in 2008,treatment of landfillleachate hasbecame necessary toevery itisdifficulttomeet the requirement ofemission standard only bybiological usually need tocarry on the pretreatment and thedepth ofthe subsequent ammonium phosphate precipitation method and Fenton method are adopted in thisproject for leachate carries on theexperimental study for each stagerespectively,to optimize the various factorsthat influence weredetermined thatthesizeofthe influence ofthe factors to each method and theoptimum experimental ammonia nitrogen and COD removal rateas experimental results show thattheoptimum bination of garbage leachate by MAP phase processing is pH=,n(M92十_):n(NH4+):n(P043)=::,the reaction time is25min,and the order oftheimpact ofvarious factors on MAP precipitation is:pH>n(M92+):n(Nn4+)> reaction time>n(NI--14+):n(P043-).The best condition ofFenton reaction stage isthat pH=,H202=20ml/L,n(H202):n(Fe2+)=5:1,the reaction order oftheimpact ofvarious factors on Fenton oxidation is:pH>H202>n(H202):n(Fe:+)> reaction thejoint process pretreatment ofleachate,the average removal rate of ammonia nitrogen and COD Can reach %and %. III 万方数据太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 KEY WORDS:landfillleachate,MAP,Fenton,removal rateofCOD,removal rateofammonia nitrogen 万方数据太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文目录摘要???????????????????????????????????????????..I ABSTRACT???????????????????????????????一III 目录?????????????????????????????????V 符号说明???