· 318 · 国际病毒学杂志 2021 年 8 月第 28 卷第 4 期 International Journal of Virology, August 2021, Vol. 2re measured. Results The expression of A20 in liver tissue and the levels of FibroScan, HA, PCIII, LN and CIV elevated with increased degree of liver fibrosis. The differences between the indexes and those in the control group were statistical significant P( <). The level of A20 in liver tissue was positively correlated to FibroScan (r=, P<). Conclusions The levels of A20, FibroScan and the serum markers of liver fibrosis among chronic hepatitis C patients were positively correlated to the degree of liver fibrosis. There was certain relation between A20 and fibrosis formation by extracellular matrix deposition. 【Key words】 Hepatitis C; Zinc finger protein A20; Transient liver elasticity measurement; Liver fibrosis; Immunohistochemistry DOI: .- 肝硬化是人类健康主要杀手之一,肝纤维化是 形成肝纤维化 [1],最终可进展为肝硬化。锌指蛋白 肝硬化的重要病理过程,慢性乙型、丙型等肝炎 A20(A20)可促进ECM 合成,导致肝纤维化形成 [2]。 病毒感染仍是导致肝硬化的重要因素。肝星状细 瞬时肝弹性测定(FibroScan)是无创检测肝纤维 胞(hepatic stellate cell,HSC)激活产生大量细胞 化程度的一种方法,可以对肝纤维化及早期肝硬 外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM),沉积在肝内