世界中医药 2021 年 6 月第 1 6 卷第 1 1 期 ·1 659·
the analysis of medical records.Therefore,it is important to find a
method of medical records research that can comprehensively and objectively reflect the hidden information in medical records.With
the rapid development of information technology in recent years,the application of data mining technology in medical records re-
search is increasingly in-depth.The author analyzes the application status of data mining methods,software and platform commonly
used in the field of medical records research,briefly reviews the application of each method in medical records research,in order to
provide a reference for medical records researchers to choose the appropriate methods,and provide methods to inherit the experience
of diagnosis and treatment hidden in medical records of TCM and provide ideas to develop TCM.
Keywords Medical records of traditional Chinese medicine;Experience of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment;
Data mining;Statistical method
中图分类号:R242;R249 文献标识码:A doi:1 0.3969 /j.issn.1 673 -7202.2021 .1 1 .003
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