第43卷第9期 系统工程与电子技术 Vol. earning-the bound optimization (BSBL-BO) algorithm is proposed. Firstly, considering that the empty subcarriers of OFDM receiver never transmit useful signals,the compressed sensing modelfor DME pulseinterferencesignalis established. Then the DME pulse interference signal is reconstructed based on the BSBL-BO algorithm. Finally, the reconstructed DME pulse interference is eliminated in the time domain. The simulation results show that this method has higher reconstruction accuracy and faster operation speed than the existing pulse interference suppression methods, which can further reduce the bit error rate of OFDM receiver and improve the trans- missionperformanceofforwardlinkinL-DACS1sysemsignificanly. Keywords: L-band digital aeronautical communication system 1 (L-DACS1); distance measure equipment (DME)inerference;Bayesiancompressionsensing;blocksparseBayesianlearning 陆地航路部署的空-地蜂窝通信系统,其有L-DACS1和 o引言 L-DACS2两种候选技术方案[心丄-DACS1采用正交频分 为应对全球民用航空运输业飞速发展带来的巨大挑战, 复用(orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, OFD