102 2021 年 7 月 第 7 卷 第 7 期 * 临床研究 ose of the conventional group, the difference was statistically sig- nificant(t=, , ,P<); the operation time, antimicrobial drug use time, and wound healing time were all lower than those of the conventional group, the difference was statistically significant (t=, , ); in the study groups the incidence of adverse symptoms was %, which was lower than that of the conventional group %, and the difference was statistically significant(χ2=, P<). Conclusion The combined small flap treatment has a good clinical application effect in patients with trau- matic skin defects of the multi-finger hand, and it is worthy of promotion. Key words Combined small skin flap; Multi-finger hand trauma skin defect; Clinical efficacy 手外伤皮缺损属于外科疾病,于临床常见[1]。 手部为 创伤时需要及时送往医院治疗, 尽最大可能恢复手部应 人们日常生活工作中与外界接触最常用的媒介, 高度的 有的功能,降低手部受伤对日常生活产生的影响[4]。 目前 使用频率以及手部本身缺乏足够的保护, 使得手部在日 手外伤皮缺损的治疗重心在于如何更好、 更快地恢复患 常工作生活中极易出现意外事故[2-3]。 手部意外受到较大 者的手部外观以及手部功能, 组合小型皮瓣治疗方案在 收稿日期:2021-06-06; 修