2010 年 03 月 Mar. ,2010 第 24 Gehua company did not make use of the provision design to achieve the purpose of reducing agency costs. This finding con- flicts with the classical financial theory. We try to explain that it is to avoid the issuance rules of securities market and there are deficien- cies in the system of securities issuance. Conclusion of the paper is an important reference for the business practices and relevant policy - making. Key words� gehua convertible� convertible provisions� agency costs 一、引 言 观点。依次设计的证券,理论上应该表现出较强的股性。但 [ ] 可转换债券 �简称可转债,下同� 既有股权又有债权的 市场中的可转债并非均显示出这种特性,Green �1984� 4 、 � �[5] � �[6]等人从代理 性质,是金融市场上很受欢迎的一种衍生金融工具。2003 年 Brennan & Schwartz 1988 、Myers 1998 角度对公司发行可转债的动机进行了研究,提出可转债能够 开始,我国金融市场上发行的可转债,不论是发行数量,还 避免或者减轻资产替代 投资过度和投资不足 信息不对称 是发行规