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  Childhood friends, is mostly a playmate. In the real heart are interlinked, on a deeper level of solidarity, impress me, is a junior high school friends.
  Open message board when graduation, she sincere words again at my heart. Good good study, day day up, don't forget I have good things to eat. This is written by xiao yong. The greedy little daily from early to late, but not long. Remember that students write articles, hope so, to see him again in the future, is tall and handsome. Well, I wish him so. Husband, wish natural and unrestrained away. Every time I see this message, then want to smile. Isn't it? Look at this title husband, of course, this wife. She is my junior high school's best friend, daily follow you. Despite daily always some small problems, but friendship evergreen. On the message board is just a word, and my friends the laughing faces are deeply engraved on my heart. Now, learn, remember that for three years, really feel warm. West lake view, the tiger spring to take ZongGe tianchi mountain, the scenes so clearly demonstrated in front of me. Think of old friends in the hot sun, I in t

2022年初一英语作文我的好朋友 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数10
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人baba
  • 文件大小30 KB
  • 时间2022-03-01