承启人文生态重塑山城水岸_重庆主城两江四岸滨江地带城市设计承启人文生态 重塑山城水岸 — —重庆主城两江四岸滨江地带城市设计 URBAN DESIGN OF “TWO RIVERS A 姜 【关键词】两江四岸;城市设计;功能优化;形象 两江四岸特指长江、嘉陵江流经重庆主城的 � 涛 提升;重庆 滨江区域。其中长江上起九龙坡区西彭镇,下至 江北区五宝镇,长 ��� ;嘉陵江上起北碚城区, ABSTRACT: Based on the analysis over characteris- 下至渝中区朝天门,长 �� 。两江岸线长度共计 tics and development strategies of the riverside moun- ��� 。根据地形地貌和视线条件,确定两江四岸 tainous city of Chongqing, this paper using ecology- 滨江地带范围约 ��� �。 base, human-oriented and sustainable development ideology makes the comprehensive plan and functional ��� 现状特点 optimization of the waterfront area. The plan stresses (�)滨江地带呈明显的峡谷型地貌特征,坡 rationally utilizing key urban landscape, excavating 度在 � %以下的适宜建设用地占总用地面积不到 distinguishing features of “mountainous city” and “riv- � %,微地形变化丰富。 erside city”, advoc