100 • 应用研究 • February 2022, , Guide of China Medicine wo groups of patients in the effective rate of treatment, periodontitis-related indicators, and immune indicators were compared. Results The effective rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group ( P<). The improvement effect of periodontitis related indexes in the observation group was better than that in the control group (P<). The improvement effect of immune function indexes in the observation group was better than that in the control group ( P<). The incidence of complications in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group ( P<). Conclusion Minocycline hydrochloride combined with tinidazole is effective in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. It can effectively improve the treatment efficiency, reduce the threat of complications, improve immune function, and has high safety. [Key words] Chronic periodontitis; Minocycline hydrochloride; Tinidazole; Combination therapy 慢性牙周炎是最常见的一类牙周炎,约占牙周 慢性牙周炎临床治疗效果的有效途径,本次研究在盐 炎患者的95%,多因长期存在的牙龈炎向深部牙周组 酸米诺环素单一治疗基础上,对比盐酸米诺环素联合 织侵入而致。临床症状多见于牙龈红肿、牙周袋形 替硝唑治疗的临床效果,探讨不同治疗方式的临床差 成、牙齿松动等,若治疗不及时,