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2007年 12月机械科学与技术 December 2007
第 26卷第 12期 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering Vol. 26 No. 12
赵冠军, 刘更,吴立言
(西北工业大学机电学院,西安 710072)
摘要:在 ANSYS中建立了长方体箱体的有限元模型,并计算结构模态。将有限元模型和结构模
态导入 V irtual Lab,计算空腔声模态,用模态叠加法计算耦合声场对激励的响应,得到了声压级分
中图分类号: TH113 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003 8728 (2007) 12 1633 04
Simulation and Experiment on Coupled Vibro acoustic
Noise Using M odal Superposition M ethod
Zhao Guanjun, L iu Geng, W u L iyan
( School ofMechatronics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072)
Abstract: The FEM model of a cuboid box is established and its structural modal is calculated with ANSYS. W ith
the introduction of the FEM model and the structural mode into V irtual Lab, the acoustic modal in the emp ty cham
ber of the cuboid box puted. The modal superpostion method is used to calculate the response of the coup led
acoustic field to excitation, and the acoustic p ressure distribution cloud chart and the field point frequency response
curve are obtained. The experiments on vibration and noise are designed. The noise signals collected by a sound
card are analyzed with the Fourier position in Matlab, and the excitation frequeney response curve of a point
in the acoust
基于模态叠加法的声固耦合噪声仿真与实验 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.