毛概辨析题总结Summaryofdiscriminationquestions.docx毛概辨析题总结(Summary of discrimination questions) An analysis of the introduction of Mao Zedong thought and the theoretical the Anti Japanese National United front. The fourth chapter is the theory of socialist transformation because the new democratic revolution is bourgeois revolution, the new democratic society is also a capitalist society. 2. in the early days of the founding of the people' s Republic, China's main task was to carry out large-scale socialist transformation and planned economic construction. The fifth chapter is about the nature and the basic task of socialism , Deng Xiaoping's new judgment about the essence of socialism embodies the organic unity of productive forces and productive relations. poverty is not socialism, affluence is socialism. The sixth chapter is the theory of primary stage of socialism , the primary stage of socialism refers to the period of oath that socialist countries must undergo when they enter socialism. Two The primary contradiction in the primary stage of socialism is the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The seventh chapter is about socialist reform and opening to the outside world , reform is the second revolution in china. , reform is the self-improvement and development of the socialist system. The eighth chapter is to build a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics to encourage, supp